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Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of Senior Year

OMG first of all, i'm so freaking happy for susie because she just had the most amazing two days ever ... and i'm just glad that it happened to her! Buht anyways ... haha of course muh day started with the JabbaWockeeZ heheh. Buht anyways, it was so weird getting ready to go to school again haha. Once I got to school I went straight to muh locker [muh ugly located poopoo locker] buht ... once I got there, there was already a lock on it o.O I was like "are yooh freaking keeding meh right now?" cuz I was carrying a bunch of books so I had to go to the administration office to tell them that someone took muh locker LOL. The lady in charge started laughing because she knew that I had a bad locker HAHA. Seriously ... who would take muh locker? x] It was nice seeing everyone again :] Everyone looks so different and so much older! Haha.

Ceramics was muh first class of the day! AHH! I made a new friend hehe she's pretty dope :] Buht yeaaa, I like know ALOT of people in muh classes this time around... unlike last year LOL I was a freaking loner ROFL. Buht let's see tomorrow if it's the same thing as today :] Pre-cal was kinda boring ... LOL I already started to fall asleep cuz it was so boring. Buht I got to talk to people I don't usually talk to, which is pretty much what I want to do all year long :D Then freaking physics ... OMG I didn't know that I changed teachers because I didn't check muh schedule so I was like running around trying to find muh teacher ... and there was a teacher trying to help meh out to find muh class ... turns out, the teacher that was helping meh ... WAS MUH TEACHER LOL. Buht it's all good :]

AND WTF? CHRISSY? LOL that is NOT muh name ... HAHA I don't even look like a Chrissy LOL.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ on ASAP!

The JabbaWockeeZ will be performing with Billy Crawford next week [September 5, 2009] on ASAP! This is a show on the filipino channel so ... TO ALL THE FILIPINOS THAT HAVE TFC ... WATCH IT! Haha. and to everyone else ... i'm pretty sure SOMEONE will put it on youtube LOL.

Thanks to Joe for the info! :]

Friday, August 28, 2009

World of Dance: San Diego

Come out if you're in the SD area! Yooh won't wanna miss it :] I went to the one in Pomona and it was freaking dope! Super Galactic Beat Manipulators, Super Cr3w, Quest Crew, Fanny Pak, and more will be performing. Get your tickets now!

Jabbawockeez/Breakin Habits Newstyle Battle Judge

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Press P.L.A.Y. Auditions

JabbaWockeeZ Peforming at Festival Hall in Melbourne, Australia

Urban Empire: "JABBAWOCKEEZ LIVE 2mrrw: Friday 28th August @ FESTIVAL HALL, Saturday 29 August - 808 presents CHAMPAGNE ROSE, also CONNECTFRESH & URBAN EMPIRE ENTERTAINMENT present KILLA QUEENZ & TRAFFIK @ THE LAUNDRY. For more info contact urbanempire@y7mail.com"

Make sure to come out and support! :]

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ at YMCA in Tennessee

Saso, Eddie, and Randy of the JabbaWockeeZ performing at the YMCA in Tennessee.

JabbaWockeeZ freestyling at a dance party in Donelson, Tennessee :] Thanks to Deebo8608 of youtube for recording and posting!

Looze Control: Hip Hop Dance Competition

The JabbaWockeeZ will be making a special appearance at the Looze Control dance competition in Australia this saturday, August 29th! Make sure to get your tickets now! For more info click go to http://www.loozecontrol.com/

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Freestyle Session: 12th Year Anniversary

Freestyle Session is this weekend: August 22-23! If you're in the Hollywood/LA area make sure to come out, yooh don't wanna miss out on this annual bboy event!

Circus Hollywood
6633 Santa Monica Blvd.

www.freestylesession.com for more info! :]

Friday, August 21, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ New Youtube Channel!

The JabbaWockeeZ have their own youtube channel! Add and subscribe them now! Click here to see it :] Also, they added a new video promoting and sharing where they will be for the tour in Australia.

EddieStyles&KingSaso in Nashville!

Make sure to come out and support!

Super Cr3w Meet and Greet in San Diego!


Three days ago, before I left for retreat I had an AMAZING jabba dream :D Well, the JabbaWockeeZ were on America's Best Dance Crew again! There were only 6 members like before ... except instead of Rynan, Randy took his place :] Randy took Rynan's place because Rynan was a judge for the show :D And when they performed ... OMG THEIR CHOREO AND MOVES AND EVERYTHING WAS LIKE BEYOND AMAZING LIKE I CAN'T BELIEVE I DREAMED SUCH AMAZINGNESS... OMG and like there was a portion of their performance that they danced without their masks and yooh can see their faces! :D and they did pelvic thrusts and bodyrolls ... OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG LOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! One of the bests dreams EVERR! x] hahahaha. I would go into more detail buht it was just too amazing LOL

JabbaWockeeZ Dream Count:
25 Amazing
1 Horrible

Monday, August 17, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ Performance at Epic Nightclub


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JABBAWOCKEEZ! :D I FREAKING LAHHHHHB THEMMMM! Thanks to urbaybeegyrl for uploading this on youtube!

Friday, August 14, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ Heading Over to the Philippines!

JabbaWockeeZ will be making multiple performances at the Ayala Malls in the Philippines! Make sure to come out and support the masked men!

September 4, 2009- TRINOMA at 7pm [Quezon City]
September 5, 2009- ALABANG TOWN CENTER at 6:30pm [Muntinlupa City]
September 6, 2009- GLORIETTA at 6pm [Makati City]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ at Dance Supremacy 2009

The JabbaWockeeZ will be in Hawaii for Dance Supremacy on September 11-12, 2009! This event will be held at Pipeline Cafe at 7-10pm. Doors will open at 6:30pm.

Call 808-636-7371 for more info!

JabbaWockeeZ Spotted at Geno's in Philadelphia

Yooh can see the Jabbas around 1:56! I know it's not alot, BUHT STILL! THEY'RE RIGHT THEREEE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! hahahhah.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another One? x]

Dang, I've been having alot of Jabba dreams lately haha x] it's ohkay :D THEY MAKE MEH HAPPY! LOL Well, this one was kinda short cuz I had to wake uhp early and I kinda slept late ... LOL soooo I guess I was watching some show and I was in like a stadium type thing and two jabbas were sitting right in front of meh ... like I didn't know who they were though. From the back of their heads ... it looked weird ROFL. Like their heads were deformed or something ROFL WTF? Buht they're beautiful in real life so it doesn't matter HHAHAHAHHAH. So, I wanted to know which jabbas were sitting infront of meh so I tapped one person on the shoulder and it was RYNAN! :D and PHIL was right next to him ! :DDDD HEHEHEHHHE Right after I touched rynan he went "OMG! JABBAFAM TOUCHED MEH!" o.O and he reacted like how I would react if they would touch meh ... like crazy smiley and hyper and YAYY! :D HAHAHA I was laughing at him! x] ROFL and I was like "I can't wait 'til I get home x]" so I could tell jabbafam what happened LOL AHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH ohhhmann... that's it :[ LOL, it was a short dream buht it was so freaking amazing! :D HAHAHAH

JabbaWockeeZ Dream Count:
24 Amazing
1 Horrible

Sunday, August 9, 2009


YESSS! Another jabba dream, haha x] Well, I guess I was living in downtown so basically I just walked to the places I wanted to go to and I think the JabbaWockeeZ were performing at one of the buildings here in downtown. I spot PHIL :D and another guy [who was in JabbaWockeeZ, buht he's not really a Jabba in real life LOL] who were in their Jabba attire except they didn't have their masks on. It was funny cuz they were wearing their old school original Jabba tees, the red stack tee :] haha. I saw PHIL :D and he saw meh and we hugged x] and then we started walking together HEHEHHEHEH. I guess we were walking to the place where the Jabbas were gonna perform. By the way, the other guy went somewhere else LOOLL I dunno where he went x] Buht anyways ... so i'm just walking in downtown talking with PHIL and then all of a sudden he like busts out with a like small makeuhp bag ... and i was like " o.O uhh... " and he takes out these chopsticks type things and starts cleaning his teeth with them o.O and I was fine with it [i guess] cuz I said "well, it's good that yooh always wanna be clean :D" ROFL WOW. OMGGGGGGGGGGGG by the way, the entire time PHIL is just smiling away OMGGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! hahaha x] and that's pretty much all I can remember ... LOLLLL buht I dreamt about other stuff before PHIL cuz I guess I saved him for last hehhehe.

Buht to tell the rest of muh dream in a very quick manner ... SoRealCru was giving a workshop in downtown and I saw Brian Puspos and I told him that he's so much taller than the last time I saw him LOL and then this other girl from SoRealCru [who isn't REALLY in SoRealCru LOL] we started to talk and we became really good friends and she told meh to comment her on myspace so we talk and hangout and stuff :D LOL WEIRD. I DUNNO. I think I told her she was tall also ... o.O I DUNNO AHHAHAHA buht yeaaa that was the rest of muh dream x] PHIL'S part was better ... HEHEHHEHHEHE YAYYYY! :D

JabbaWockeeZ Dream Count:
23 Amazing
1 Horrible

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

JabbaWockeeZ on the Latest Issue of M7 Magazine

DANG! All about them JBWKZ&KNGDM!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I had another dream about the jabbas ... It's been awhile since i've last had one x] buht this time PC was there too! I don't know where Kilo was though :[ Well anyways ... soooo I guess I was meeting the guys at the gym and for some reason I brought muh mom along o.O LOL So when we were first got to the gym ... I see Joe! He looked at meh and recognized meh ... buht we didn't say anything to each other, and Joe thought meh and muh mom were going inside the gym already buht we weren't ... so he started talking to muh mom like casually. Talking normally like how yooh would to a stranger, and everytime Joe said something ... muh mom would go "HUH? o.O *with filipino accent*" LOL and after a while I was just like "Mom, he's just being nice. Bye Joe! :]" And then that's when Joe realized I was from JabbaFam LOL. Buht he was already inside the gym and I was already on muh way to meet the rest of the guys :D

I was telling muh mom that the guy she was talking to was Joe from the JabbaWockeeZ and she was like "OHHH!!" and then I pointed to the rest of the guys buht it was only 5 of them who were coming our way. So I was telling muh mom "those are some of the other JabbaWockeeZ over there :D" I think it was Ben, Phi, Kevin, Cris, and Phil and then PC. OMG PHIL. LOL Right when I saw him ... I like fast walked to him with muh arms reaching out [ROFL] all jumpy and smiley LOL And when PHIL saw meh... he started laughing and smiling like crazy and he gave meh a hug and was like "HAHA I remember yooh!" AND I WAS LIKE "YOOH DO? o.O" and he was like "haha, of course :D" OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I can never forget that SMILE and LAUGH OMGGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LOL And then I saw PC and I was like "OMG! You're here! I've been wanting to meet yooh so bad!" And he looked at meh like he was shocked. He's just too modest and humble LOL I kept hitting PC's arm for some reason .... HAHAH. And there was this girl with PC ... I think she worked for KNGDM or something haha. PHIL told the girl to introduce herself to meh so we shook hands and she said her name was Elena. Buht Phil said to Elena "Yooh can do better than that! Introduce yourself again :]" and I told her muh name as well. It was weird LOL Phil told her to introduce herself like 4 times cuz apparently saying her name wasn't good enough HAHAHA.

So I was walking with the guys and I told them the incident that Joe had with muh mom and they laughed so freaking hard cuz of the way i said "HUH? o.O" with a filipino accent BAHAHAHA. And then we all went into the gym and then it got all weird after that and I don't really know what happened buht anyways ... THAT WAS SUCH AN AMAZING DREAM! :D YAYYYYYYYYYY! x] hehehehhehe. I think I dreamt about the gym because Kilo tweeted about the gym yesterdae LOL.

JabbaWockeeZ Dream Count:
22 Amazing
1 Horrible

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Today was a pretty good day :] JabbaWockeeZ EVERYWHERE! :DDD HEHEHE Mostly because MTV had a season 3 marathon today ... and the Jabbas were like in the audience, part of the show, guest judging, part of challenges ... YUP. I was so happy x] PLUS! MTV had a "Top 10 Performances" of all three seasons of America's Best Dance Crew :D And i'm so happy and glad the JabbaWockeeZ got number one :D heheheh. OMG and then today on twitter ... Kilo answered muh question :DDD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I WAS SO HAPPY HEHEHHEHEH x] Buht yeaaaaaaa, I will never get tired of them Jabbas and KNGDM :D Be thankful for what yooh have, and never take things for granted. Live life to the fullest and go beyond boundaries :] Just something to think about ... :]

New JBWKZ Gear!

The JabbaWockeeZ recently opened a temporary online store to sell all their dope shirts and items! Click here to visit and buy some of their new attire!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Click here to go the JabbaWockeeZ updated website!