April Bambao from BoogieMonstarZ (Family Royale) is coming down to so-cal all the way from Sacramento and she has a freaking crazy line uhp for all of y’all ! January 18th: Boogiezone LA
January 20th: Quest Learning Center
January 21st: StudioFX - Boogiezone SD
February 23rd: Culture Shock SD
IF YOU’RE IN THE AREA YOOH BETTER GOOOOOOO! or else … you’re missin’ out!
Be sure to keep checking the JabbaWockeeZ official website! They've been posting up videos and blogs so be sure to watch out for that :] Also, make sure yooh sign up to be a member to participate in the forum boards and comments!
Rynan Paguio, of the JabbaWockeeZ and Full Force Crew, was one of the judges at Full Force's event called Deuces Wild. Here are the judges doing some freestyle for the crowd: