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Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Burfdae Kevin Brewer :D

Yesterdae was Kevin Brewer's burfdae! Once again, JabbaFamx3OG made a burfdae video for him to show our love ;] THANKS RHEA!.. AGAIN! :D

Monday, December 15, 2008

Super Cr3w MTV Commerical

Super Cr3w has recently done a commercial for MTV, which will be aired on December 22, 2008 ;] Don't forget to check it out!

The Movement - New Video [BEHIND THE SCENES]

Swaggerboy, P.C., and Kilo the Boss :D[THE MOVEMENT]




Sunday, December 7, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Meh! :D

OMG. OMG. OMG. THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! BEST SWEET SIXTEEN EVER! OMG, I got everything I wanted and more... like I couldn't be happier. I am just so thankful for the people in muh life who keep meh so happy. Without them, I just wouldn't be the person I am today ;] I AM TRULY BLESSED. I really don't think I deserve all the things I received...buht God sure did BLESS MEH ;] Muh burfdae was pretty much 3 days x] MANNNN.. I GOT TO SEE SUPER CR3W, GOT A BIRTHDAY GREETING FROM A JABBA [Kevin Brewer], AND GOT TO SEE EDDIE FROM THE JABBAWOCKEEZ! :D And on top of that, I got to meet uhp with some x3OGS and got a fedora and a beret :D If only I could get PHIL... ahhahah, buht that's impossible ;p AND I GOT TO SPEND MUH 3 DAYS WITH MUH FAMILY&FRIENDS ;] Nothing can get better than that ;] EVERYTHING IS SO OVERWHELMING RIGHT NOW...and less than 2 hours until muh birthday is OFFICIALLY over. I'ma blog about what happened at the Super Cr3w meet&greet next time, cuz there's ALOT to say :D I'M SO HAPPY!
AHHHHHH! i'm on the armory hiphop website x] hehehheh.